Choose Label 10 000 Lions 10 Roosevelt Ave 12 Star 14 Karat 176 Sound Records 2 Kings 2B1 3 Worlds Music 30 Headley Ave. 333 3Bun 4Weed 56 Hope Road 71 Records A & M A Lone Productions Aba Shanti I AbabaJahnoi Abacush Abendigo Abraham Absissa Ace's Records Acid Jazz Ackee Tree ACL Acquarian Records Action Adamas Afrajam Africa Africa Mae Do Leao African Museum African Science Afrikan Warriors Afro Age of Venus Aggrovator Agobun Aires AIT Akashic Records Akete Alaba Alchemy Dubs All Nations Records Alligator Alpha & Omega Alpha Steppa Alpine Amalgamated Amanda Amelie Amoul Bayi AMP Amussu Music Anchor Ancient Archive of Sound Angel City April Aquarius Arab Arawak ARC Archetype Archive Arietha Ariwa Arrival Art & Craft Artistic Asha-T Ashandan Ashanti Ashanti Selah Assagai Astar Artes Ata Atlantic Atma Shakti Atra Attack Audioknot Auralux Ayeola Azul BA Bababoom Hi-Fi Back in the Days Backchich Backyard Movements Bad 2000 Bad Indian Production Bad Rock Ball of Fire Bam Salute Baron's Bass Lee Bat BB Records Bebo International Before Zero Bell Hot Belleville Belmont Benny Records Bent Backs Records Berends Berry's Beverley's Big Cat Records Big Dread Big M Big Nail Big Sax Black a Black Black and White Black Arrow Black Art Black Eagle Black Fighting Heritage Black Joy Black Legacy Black Lion Black Originator Black Pearl Black Redemption Black Roots Black Rose Black Scorpio Black Skin Black Solidarity Black Spade Black Spider Black Symbol Black Tusk Black Victory Black Wax Black Wheat Sounds Blackboard Jungle Blacker Dread Blackheart Warriors Blakamix Blank Bless Blood & Fire Blue Beat Blue Cat Blue Mountain Blue Sun Film Blue Zone Bomb Bass HiFi Bomb Shell Bombaada Bombist Book of Psalms Boom Boom Shacka Lacka Bow & Arrow Brad's Breadwinners Records Brigante Records Bristol Archive Records Brixton Heights Bronco Bronco Knowledge Brother Sound Brown' Sound, Inc. Buke Star Bun Gem Bunna Music Burning Bless Burning Spear Bushays Buss Out Buzz Rock Café Royal Books Calabash Uk Caltone Camion Blanc Cancer Capo Records Capra Captain Selassie Caribou Cartridge Cdt Celluloid Century Century Cha Cha Chalice Music Chalwah Chanan Jah Channel One Channel One Sound System Chaos Chartbound Chase Vampire China-Frica Chinaman Yard Chopper Productions Chouette Records Cimarak Circle City Dawgs City Line Clair Music Clancy's Clandisc Classic Classic Sounds Clinch Clintones Clocktower Colemine Collar Records Collectors Series Collins Down Beat Colonel Mustard's Columbia Commanda Music Common Ground International Congo Conquering Lion of Judah Conscious Embassy Conscious Music Conscious Son Conscious Sounds Control Tower Cook Cook Cookie Jar Cool Up Records Coptic Lion Cora Dean Dubplate Corner Stone Cosmopolitan Cosmos Cotton Tail Counteraction Coxsone Crasher Crat Crazy Joe Creation Creation Rebel Sound System Crucial Ruler Crucial Tempo Cry Tuff Cryin' Soul Crystal Cs Sweetest CSA Cubiculo Cucoon Cultivators Records Cultural Blenders Cultural Warriors Culture Conquering Culture Dub Records Culture Of Soul D-Roy Da1yah Daddy Spud Intl. Dak Records Dalpin Dance Vibes Dancehall Killer Dancehall Tradition Daptone Records Darker Shades of Roots Darkstar Records Dawa Outernational De La Vega DEB Debtera Records Decimals Dee Jay Deep Meditation Deep Root Deep Roots Deep Roots Reggae Shop Defenders Demon Deng Deng Dennis Star Descendant Music Dig This Way Digi Kal Digi Signa Digi-Tal Digikal Digipirate Digital B Digital Conscious Digital English Digital Rockers Digital Temple Digital Traders Dina Music Diop Side Disciples Digital Disciples Record Co Disciples Vintage Disco 2000 Discobox Dj's Choice Doctor Bird Don 1 Doublespliff Dougie's Dove Downbeat Man Downbeat Sounds Dub Recordings Dread Dread at the Controls Dread Ises Records Dreadlyon Dreadrive Dressed to Kill Dub & Roll Dub & Sound International Dub a Dub Dub Addict Dub Bangers Dub Conductor Dub Creation Dub Forward Dub From The Ruins Dub Hunters Dub Invasion Dub Irator Dub Jockey Dub Junction Dub Livity Dub Plate Dub Records Dub Squad Dub Store Records Dub Stuy Dub Tunnel Dub Up Records Dub Vision Dubalistik Dubatak Dubateers Dubatriation Dubkasm Dubmusic Productions Dubomatic Dubplate Pressure Dubquake Dubs From the Vaults Dubwise Dug Out Duke Duke Reid Dunks Dutchess Dwyer Records Dynamite E ERLM Earl Love Early Days Earmark Earth & Power Earth Resistance Records Earth Sound Earthman Earthquake Eastern Eastern Roots Eastern Sher Eastern Vibration Easy Beat EBT Rock Echo Cop Echotronix Eclipse Eek a Mouse Eko El Paso El Ricallan Elektra Elements Elevation Emana Sound Emergency Emmanuel Music Emotional Rescue Epic Epiphany Equal Brothers Equalizer Errol T Ethnic Fight Evidence Music Exile Exposure Sound Faith Faithfull Few Falasha Recordings Family House Fantasy Memory Fashion Fashozy Fatman Fay Music Faze Four Fe Me Time Federal Feel the Beat Feel The Vibes Ffrench Field Marshall Fire Connection Fire House Firehouse Firmly Rooted Fish Tea Five Rivers Flabba Flames Flash Forward Flash Hit Records Flower of Life Follow The Bass Fontoyard Food Clothes & Shelter Forbes Foreign Mind Form Fort Forward Forward Bound Forward Roots Foundation Sound Four Four Select Fox Fox Fire Free Slaves Freedom Sounds Freestyle Fresh Rock Fresh Roses Fruits Records Full House Future Attack G Corp G-Ness Gabriel Romann Muzik Gadd 59 Gaffa Blue Ganja Farm Gay Feet Gebre Tsadik Gee Gem Star Gemini Georges Records GG's Ghetto Cornerstone Ghetto Star Ghetto Youth Ghettocity Productions Giant Gin Glad Sounds Glimmer Global Beats Globe Int'l Glory Gold God Sent Gold Series Goldage Golddust Golden 1000 / Bun Gem Golden Air Golden Eye & Ruddy Golden Gem$ Goldmaster Records Goodies Gorgan Gorgon Gorland Grade One Grampians Grand Ancestor Grass Green House Greensleeves Grounation Grove Music Grubby Mitts GT Guiding Star Guree Roots Gussie Habeshites Hail HIM Halalujah Records Half Moon Hanami Hands & Heart Hard Drop Hard Rock Records Harlem Shuffle Records Harmodio Harmony House Harps Harry J Hawarya Records Hawkeye Head Strong Headphone Heartbeat Heartical Heartical Impact Heavy Beat Heavy Dub Heavy Duty Heavywave Heavyweight Hep Hep Hevyaka Hi Try Hidden Treasures High Music High Note High Power High Tension Records High Times Higher Meditation Higher Mountain Records Higher Regions Hightone Hit Run Hit Run Hit Sound Hitbound Hitch Hiker Hiya Heights Records Hiya-Tones Records HM Gold Homefront Production Honest Jon's Hornin Sounds Horseman Horus Horus Records Hot Milk Hot Shot ! Hot Stuff Hours Beat House Of Eve House of Moses Records Huba Hulk Human Digital Human Rights Humble Commission Humble Sounds Hungry Town Hurricane HUS I Aim I Destiny I Jah I Grade I Grow I Lion Records I Negus Records Int I Nity I Skankers I&I Musik I&I&I Music I-Tal Soup Idrins Ilus Impact! Imperial House Music Imperial Roots Imperial Sound Army Inbidimts Incredible Music Indica Dubs Indiginous Infinite Density Records Inna Nice up Fashion Inner Light Inner Rose Inner Sanctuary Inner Standing Sound System Inspirational Sound Integrity Intelitec Intense Invader Iration Iration Steppas Sound System Ire Hi Fi Irie Ites Irie Jahzz Iroko Iron Dubz Iron Sound Ironside Ises International Island Israel Vibes Ital Ital Counselor Ital International Ital Lion Ital Sounds Ital Stuff Ivanhoe the Conqueror Ja-Man Jackpot Jad Jah All Mighty Jah B Jah Element Jah Embassy Music Jah Fingers Jah Free Music Jah Guidance Jah Life Jah Light Jah Light Jah Lion Sound System Jah Marshall Jah Militant Jah Roots Hi Fi Jah Rubaal Jah Shaka Jah Sunbal Jah Tubby's Jah Vision Jah Wadada Jah Waggys Jah Warrior Jah Works Jah Works Promotion Jah Youth Sound Jahbless Jahdynasty Jahimsa Jahlovemuzik JahMan Jahman Record Dubplate Jahmiga Jahmikmuzik Jahmusic Jahsolidrock Jahsouljah Jahspora Jahtari Jahyu Jam Can Jam Rock Jam Tone Jama Jamaazima Jamafra Jamaican Art Jamaican Recordings Jambila Jamble Records Jammy's Jamwax Jaywax Jedi Jehu Jeremiah's Special Jesuit Jet Star Jhuggenaut Jigsaw Jimpy's JJ Joe Frasier Joe Gibbs Joewella Joint Jomor Joseph Sound JR Jumbo Jungle Beat Junior Millitant Junjo & Volcano Just-Is Justice Justice League K & K Ka Records Kaboum Music Kamarley Kangol Karnatone Kaya Powa Records Kc Soul Proff KDV Kennedy International Keyman KG Imperial Khanti Records Kibir la Amlak Killah Keys Music Kim King Alpha King Culture King Earthquake King Kush King Kustom King Operator King Shiloh King Simeon King Sound Music King Sounds King Town Kingdom Kings Music Kingston Connexion Kingston Sounds Kinshasa Kismet Klimt Kpcs Kulumi L acouphene L D Gingles L&M La Panchita Records La Tempesta Dub Lake Brothers Records Lamb Lana Sounds Landmark Lantern Lee's Left Ear Records Legal Shot Leggo Legsman Leo Leo Lewis Bennett Dub LGM International Record Ltd Libra Life Music Light in the Attic Likkle Zion Link Up Music Lion Dubz Lion Kingdom Lion Roots Lion Triumphant LionDub Lionheart Stepper Lions Choice Lionz Den Liquidator Little John Nheng Live & Learn Live and Love Livi Livication Corner Living Music Inc. Living Room Livity Lms Locks Log On London Jam Look to Afrika Lost Ark Music Love Love Linch Music Love Love Love Lovedub Music Ltd Lucky Star Lumumba Lustre Kings M & M Records Maasai Warrior Mad House Mad Indian Mad Mac Maffi Mafia Mafia & Fluxy Magnum Force Main Line Man Kind Mango Mania Dub Manyatta Records Maroc Maroon Marrow Records Marshall Marston Mash it Massadarock Massive Massive B Matumbi Music Maximum Sound Maytones Music Med-Tone Records Meditations Music Meditative Sounds Melak Dimptz Mellow Vibes Melodic Rockers Melody Muzik Melting Pot Mercury Merritone Mes Jam Meshock I Message Messengers Mg45 Micron Midnight Rock Mighty Oak Mighty Youth Mile Stone Miracle Productions Mister Screechie Mistical Sound Mixing Lab Moa Anbessa Moa Anbessa International Mobay Records Modernize Music Mogho Naba Money Disc Monk Moon Wave Music Moonshine More Cut More Life Morwell Esq Motion Move and Groove Movements Moving On Mr Bongo Mr Funny Mr King Mr Tipsy MSR Murder Style Music Murdhouse Music House Music Industry Music Lab Music Master Music Works Musical Ambassador Must Dance Mutual Life Muzamba Muzik Buisness Inc Muzikcity Mystic Mystical Records Mystical Rising Nacional Name by Nature Nansa Narrows National Bird Natural Roots Navara Necessary Mayhem Negus Music Negus Roots Negusa Nagast Neville King New Beat Records New Exodus New Flower New Name New Sound Niagara Nice up! Night Life Posse No Label Noble Chanters Productions Now Nubian Nucleus Roots Nuff Powa Numesa Nura Nyah Skanky Nyahbinghi Dub Oak Sound OBF Records Observer Obzaki Ohm Records Okondo Old Capital Old Hard Bread Old School Olive Blossom On Top One By One Records One in the Spirit One Love One Love Books One Love Records One Stop Music One Ton Oneness Only Roots Onsfoudkilao Orbit Orcast Orchid Organic Roots Original Dub Sound Original Dubzine Original Formula Ossie OTO Records Outernational Over-Proof Sound System Owen Knibbs Music Own Mission Pablo International Palm Disco Palz Panamah Records panda dread Pantomine Papa D Papa Kojak Paradise Paragon Parish Park Heights Part 2 Partial Records Patate Records Peace Foundation Peace Foundation Music Peckings Pengsound Penitentiary Penthouse Pharaoh Meets Alligator Phase One Philophon Phoenix Upliftment Photographer Pickaskill Pickout Pioneer Pipe Music Pisces Planets PLD Records Poor Man's Friend Records Poorman's Friend Portal Positive Sound Massive Positive Vibes Records Power Dread Music Power House Preacher Cleavie Jefferey Precision Premier Pressure Beat Pressure Sounds Prince Buster Prince Jazzbo Music Prince Philip Proceed Records Production Progressive Prophecy Records Prophets Psalms Music Puff Records PUMB Pure Fire Pure Niceness Purple Audio PurpleFade Pyramid Pyramid Int'l Quality Quarter Mile Queen Omega Band Quelinda R.Esistance Rad's Raggattack Railroad Rama Rambo Ramrock Randy's Ranking Joe Ras Rasheda Lionness Music Rasta Yard Rawse Razor Sound Real Gone Music Real Rock Reality Shock Reality Souljahs Reality Sound Station Rebelmadiaq Rebirth Record Smith Red Gold & Digital Red Hut Red Robin Redemption Sounds Redman Reel Heavy Music Reflections Reggae Reggae Collectors Reggae Connection Reggae on Top Reggae Remedy Reggae Retro Reggae Road Reggae Roast Reggae Shots Reggae Toybox Renegade Masters Reproduction Outernational Reservoir Dub Revelation Revolutionary Brothers Revolutionary Sounds Revue Rewind Dubs RGM Productions Rhino Rhythm Discs Rhythm Ruler Rick Riddim Chango Righteous Works Rightrack Rincon Roots Rita Marley Music Rits River Bank Riz Records Rmw Rock a Shacka Rockers Rockers Forever Rockers Master Rockers Master International Rockers Mood Rocking Time Rocking Time Records Roll And Record Romantic Romax Room in the Sky Roosevelt Rootical Attack Rootikal Rootikal Dubplate Archive Rootikal Temple Rootikal Warriah Music Roots Roots & Fyah Roots Atao Roots Awakening Roots Cooperation Roots Discos Roots Explosion Roots Factory Roots Foundation Roots Garden Roots Hi Tek Roots Injection Roots International Roots Invasion Roots Ista Posse Roots Man Roots Operator Roots Pool Roots Powa Roots Record Roots Recycler Roots Renegade Records Roots Resolute Roots Revelation Roots Sensation Roots Temple Roots Traders Roots Tradition Roots Tribe Roots Unity Roots Vibes Roots Vibration Roots Youths Rootz Hi-Fi Music Rotter Dub Rough Signal Records Royco Inc Rub a Dub Ruddy & Redeye Rude Bwoy Records Ruff Cut Ruff Stereo Rupa Rupa Records Rusty International Rythem Track S&G Records S&S Records S.R.R. Saint Francis Records Salomon Heritage Samuel Records Sasston Scandal Scoops Scorcher Hi Fi Scotch Bonnet Scrub a Dub Seafront International Selah Wadada Select Cuts Selection Train Selectors Choice Selectors Edition Selekta Selena Senrab Septic Serengeti Records Seven Beards Seven Leaves Shaka Shamala Shanachie Shanti Shaolin Temple She Get up and Scank Shebazz Shella Records Shepherd Shere Khan Shieldrum Records Shiloh Ites Shuffler Records Shuttle Records Sid Buck Records Signal1 Records Signet Silsila Dubs Silver Kamel Simba Sinclair Sound Sip a Cup Sipho Sir Collins Sir George Sir Logie International Sir Running Records Skank 'O Clock Skank Lab Chronicles Skanking Music Skengdon Sky High Sky Tings Skynote Slate Slimmah Sound Small Axe SMP Snowbird Solardub Records Solid Rock Solid Roots Solid State Solomonic Solway Dub Soney Fudgie Songhai Sonic Sounds Sosee Soul & Fire Soul Beat Soul Flower Soul Jazz Soul of Anbessa Soul Proff Soul Sounds Soul Syndicate Sound of Thunder Sound Off Sound System Sound Transmission Sounds Around Records Sounds By Monk Sounds For All Music Sounds United South East Music Spar Music Spiderman Spring Hill St Annes Yard STA Stag Stand High Patrol Star Trail Starapple Starlet Starlight Stars Stebass Steely & Clevie Steppas Stepwise Stepwizer Stereo One Stereo Uprising Stone Rock Stop Point Record Storm & Break Storming Dub Records Strictly Dub Records Striker Lee Strong Like Sampson Struggle STS Studio 16 Studio 55 Studio One Subvivors Success Sudden Attack Sufferah's Choice Sufferers Heights Sugar Beat Sugar Shack Summer Records Sunflower Sunset Sunshine Sunshot Supatech Records Super Power Super Tone Superfly Studio Superior Roots Music Supreme Sure Shot Survival Survival Promotion Suspect Packages Swing Bird Syllart Ta-Shi Tablet Tabou1 Tachyon Tafari Talent Tang Deng Co Tanta Target Tasha Taurus Taxi Tb Productions Teams Techniques Teddy Bear Teem Tek2 Productions Temppeli Tennors Tenor Saw Terminal Terrortone Sound System Tesfa Tetra Ark Thc The Archer The Buke Star The Fist of Jah The Foundation The Full Hundred The Good Samaritan The Light Of Saba The Lion The Merchant The Thing The Uplifter Thebes Themosthigh Things I've Been Through Third Generation Third World Thompson Sound Three Kings Thrillseekers Thunder Heart Thunderbolt Time 1 Time Unlimited Timeless Ting A Ling Tipsy Sound Tokyo Connexion Too Good Top a Top Top Deck Records Top Ranking Top Ranking Sound Top Shot Topline Records Tops Records Total Sounds Track Star Tradition Disc Traxploitation Treasure Isle Trenchtown Tribe 84 Tribes Tribes Man Tribesman Trigram Trojan True Nature True Vision Truth & Right Truth And Vibes Truth Town Trybute Tsoj Tsunami Wazahari Tube Dub Sound Tuff Gong Tuff Scout Tuff Wash Tuffa Dubs Tuneico Twigze Dee Twinkle Two Flames Two Friends Typhoon UFO Uhuru Ujama Ultra Ultra Records Underground Undisputed Unemployment Records Union United Forces of Dub Unity Universal Melody Universal Roots Up Tempo Upfront Upfull Posse Uplift Uplift ! Uprising Upsetter Upsettress Urban Sedated Vedic Roots Vena Version Vibbesuoh Records Vibe Generator Vibes Vibes Creator Vibes Disc Vibes Records Vibes Sound Victorius Steppers Victory Vineyard Vinyl Supply VIP International Virgin Virgo Production Virgo Stomach Vista Sounds Vivian Jackson Vogue Volcano VP W.O.W. Music Wackie's Wadada Wadada Outernational Wah Wah 45s Wail'n'Soul Wakeditown Records Wall Street Wambesi Wandem Records Wanted 45 War Waricka Warrior Dread Warrior Salute Water Lilly Water Mount Waterhouse Webb Weed Beat Welders Records Well Charge Well Sharp Welove Wheely Wheely White Rum Red Stripe Whodem Sound WHP Wicked Dub Division Wild Apache Wild Flower WildBells Wildfire Willow Tree Wince Wincox Wind Wisdom Wise Wise & Dubwise Witty Wolf Woodland Records Word Sound and Power World a Muzik World Entreprise World Movements Writers of Rastafari X-Ray Xterminator Ya Man Yah Congo Yah Wee Gone Yangis Yanta Year Zero Yi Mas Gan Records Youth & Truth Music Youth in Progress Youth Promotion Youth Talk Yvonne's Special Zam Zam Zer-I Deres Zion Disc Zion Gate Zion High Productions Zion Hill Zion I Records Zion Yant Zulu Vibes