Our Offers
- New products
- 10 000 Lions
- 10 Roosevelt Ave
- 12 Star
- 14 Karat
- 176 Sound Records
- 2 Kings
- 2B1
- 3 Worlds Music
- 30 Headley Ave.
- 333
- 3Bun
- 4Weed
- 56 Hope Road
- 71 Records
- A & M
- A Lone Productions
- Aba Shanti I
- AbabaJahnoi
- Abacush
- Abendigo
- Abraham
- Absissa
- Ace's Records
- Acid Jazz
- Ackee Tree
- Acquarian Records
- Action
- Adamas
- Afrajam
- Africa
- Africa Mae Do Leao
- African Museum
- African Science
- Afrikan Warriors
- Afro
- Age of Venus
- Aggrovator
- Agobun
- Aires
- Akashic Records
- Akete
- Alaba
- Alchemy Dubs
- All Nations Records
- Alligator
- Alpha & Omega
- Alpha Steppa
- Alpine
- Amalgamated
- Amanda
- Amelie
- Amoul Bayi
- Amussu Music
- Anchor
- Ancient Archive of Sound
- Angel City
- April
- Aquarius
- Arab
- Arawak
- Archetype
- Archive
- Arietha
- Ariwa
- Arrival
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- Asha-T
- Ashandan
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- Ashanti Selah
- Assagai
- Astar Artes
- Ata
- Atlantic
- Atma Shakti
- Atra
- Attack
- Audioknot
- Auralux
- Ayeola
- Azul
- BA
- Bababoom Hi-Fi
- Back in the Days
- Backchich
- Backyard Movements
- Bad 2000
- Bad Indian Production
- Bad Rock
- Ball of Fire
- Bam Salute
- Baron's
- Bass Lee
- Bat
- BB Records
- Bebo International
- Before Zero
- Bell Hot
- Belleville
- Belmont
- Benny Records
- Bent Backs Records
- Berends
- Berry's
- Beverley's
- Big Cat Records
- Big Dread
- Big M
- Big Nail
- Big Sax
- Black a Black
- Black and White
- Black Arrow
- Black Art
- Black Eagle
- Black Fighting Heritage
- Black Joy
- Black Legacy
- Black Lion
- Black Originator
- Black Pearl
- Black Redemption
- Black Roots
- Black Rose
- Black Scorpio
- Black Skin
- Black Solidarity
- Black Spade
- Black Spider
- Black Symbol
- Black Tusk
- Black Victory
- Black Wax
- Black Wheat Sounds
- Blackboard Jungle
- Blacker Dread
- Blackheart Warriors
- Blakamix
- Blank
- Bless
- Blood & Fire
- Blue Beat
- Blue Cat
- Blue Mountain
- Blue Sun Film
- Blue Zone
- Bomb Bass HiFi
- Bomb Shell
- Bombaada
- Bombist
- Book of Psalms
- Boom
- Boom Shacka Lacka
- Bow & Arrow
- Brad's
- Breadwinners Records
- Brigante Records
- Bristol Archive Records
- Brixton Heights
- Bronco
- Bronco Knowledge
- Brother Sound
- Brown' Sound, Inc.
- Buke Star
- Bun Gem
- Bunna Music
- Burning Bless
- Burning Spear
- Bushays
- Buss Out
- Buzz Rock
- Café Royal Books
- Calabash Uk
- Caltone
- Camion Blanc
- Cancer
- Capo Records
- Capra
- Captain Selassie
- Caribou
- Cartridge
- Cdt
- Celluloid
- Century
- Century
- Cha Cha
- Chalice Music
- Chalwah
- Chanan Jah
- Channel One
- Channel One Sound System
- Chaos
- Chartbound
- Chase Vampire
- China-Frica
- Chinaman Yard
- Chopper Productions
- Chouette Records
- Cimarak
- Circle
- City Dawgs
- City Line
- Clair Music
- Clancy's
- Clandisc
- Classic
- Classic Sounds
- Clinch
- Clintones
- Clocktower
- Colemine
- Collar Records
- Collectors Series
- Collins Down Beat
- Colonel Mustard's
- Columbia
- Commanda Music
- Common Ground International
- Congo
- Conquering Lion of Judah
- Conscious Embassy
- Conscious Music
- Conscious Son
- Conscious Sounds
- Control Tower
- Cook
- Cook
- Cookie Jar
- Cool Up Records
- Coptic Lion
- Cora Dean Dubplate
- Corner Stone
- Cosmopolitan
- Cosmos
- Cotton Tail
- Counteraction
- Coxsone
- Crasher
- Crat
- Crazy Joe
- Creation
- Creation Rebel Sound System
- Crucial Ruler
- Crucial Tempo
- Cry Tuff
- Cryin' Soul
- Crystal
- Cs Sweetest
- Cubiculo
- Cucoon
- Cultivators Records
- Cultural Blenders
- Cultural Warriors
- Culture Conquering
- Culture Dub Records
- Culture Of Soul
- D-Roy
- Da1yah
- Daddy Spud Intl.
- Dak Records
- Dalpin
- Dance Vibes
- Dancehall Killer
- Dancehall Tradition
- Daptone Records
- Darker Shades of Roots
- Darkstar Records
- Dawa Outernational
- De La Vega
- Debtera Records
- Decimals
- Dee Jay
- Deep Meditation
- Deep Root
- Deep Roots
- Deep Roots Reggae Shop
- Defenders
- Demon
- Deng Deng
- Dennis Star
- Descendant Music
- Dig This Way
- Digi Kal
- Digi Signa
- Digi-Tal
- Digikal
- Digipirate
- Digital B
- Digital Conscious
- Digital English
- Digital Rockers
- Digital Temple
- Digital Traders
- Dina Music
- Diop Side
- Disciples Digital
- Disciples Record Co
- Disciples Vintage
- Disco 2000
- Discobox
- Dj's Choice
- Doctor Bird
- Don 1
- Doublespliff
- Dougie's
- Dove
- Downbeat Man
- Downbeat Sounds Dub Recordings
- Dread
- Dread at the Controls
- Dread Ises Records
- Dreadlyon
- Dreadrive
- Dressed to Kill
- Dub & Roll
- Dub & Sound International
- Dub a Dub
- Dub Addict
- Dub Bangers
- Dub Conductor
- Dub Creation
- Dub Forward
- Dub From The Ruins
- Dub Hunters
- Dub Invasion
- Dub Irator
- Dub Jockey
- Dub Junction
- Dub Livity
- Dub Plate
- Dub Records
- Dub Squad
- Dub Store Records
- Dub Stuy
- Dub Tunnel
- Dub Up Records
- Dub Vision
- Dubalistik
- Dubatak
- Dubateers
- Dubatriation
- Dubkasm
- Dubmusic Productions
- Dubomatic
- Dubplate Pressure
- Dubquake
- Dubs From the Vaults
- Dubwise
- Dug Out
- Duke
- Duke Reid
- Dunks
- Dutchess
- Dwyer Records
- Dynamite
- Earl Love
- Early Days
- Earmark
- Earth & Power
- Earth Resistance Records
- Earth Sound
- Earthman
- Earthquake
- Eastern
- Eastern Roots
- Eastern Sher
- Eastern Vibration
- Easy Beat
- EBT Rock
- Echo Cop
- Echotronix
- Eclipse
- Eek a Mouse
- Eko
- El Paso
- El Ricallan
- Elektra
- Elements
- Elevation
- Emana Sound
- Emergency
- Emmanuel Music
- Emotional Rescue
- Epic
- Epiphany
- Equal Brothers
- Equalizer
- Errol T
- Ethnic Fight
- Evidence Music
- Exile
- Exposure Sound
- Faith
- Faithfull Few
- Falasha Recordings
- Family House
- Fantasy Memory
- Fashion
- Fashozy
- Fatman
- Fay Music
- Faze Four
- Fe Me Time
- Federal
- Feel the Beat
- Feel The Vibes
- Ffrench
- Field Marshall
- Fire Connection
- Fire House
- Firehouse
- Firmly Rooted
- Fish Tea
- Five Rivers
- Flabba
- Flames
- Flash Forward
- Flash Hit Records
- Flower of Life
- Follow The Bass
- Fontoyard
- Food Clothes & Shelter
- Forbes
- Foreign Mind
- Form
- Fort
- Forward
- Forward Bound
- Forward Roots
- Foundation Sound
- Four Four Select
- Fox
- Fox Fire
- Free Slaves
- Freedom Sounds
- Freestyle
- Fresh Rock
- Fresh Roses
- Fruits Records
- Full House
- Future Attack
- G Corp
- G-Ness
- Gabriel Romann Muzik
- Gadd 59
- Gaffa Blue
- Ganja Farm
- Gay Feet
- Gebre Tsadik
- Gee
- Gem Star
- Gemini
- Georges Records
- GG's
- Ghetto Cornerstone
- Ghetto Star
- Ghetto Youth
- Ghettocity Productions
- Giant
- Gin
- Glad Sounds
- Glimmer
- Global Beats
- Globe Int'l
- Glory Gold
- God Sent
- Gold Series
- Goldage
- Golddust
- Golden 1000 / Bun Gem
- Golden Air
- Golden Eye & Ruddy
- Golden Gem$
- Goldmaster Records
- Goodies
- Gorgan
- Gorgon
- Gorland
- Grade One
- Grampians
- Grand Ancestor
- Grass
- Green House
- Greensleeves
- Grounation
- Grove Music
- Grubby Mitts
- GT
- Guiding Star
- Guree Roots
- Gussie
- Habeshites
- Hail HIM
- Halalujah Records
- Half Moon
- Hanami
- Hands & Heart
- Hard Drop
- Hard Rock Records
- Harlem Shuffle Records
- Harmodio
- Harmony House
- Harps
- Harry J
- Hawarya Records
- Hawkeye
- Head Strong
- Headphone
- Heartbeat
- Heartical
- Heartical Impact
- Heavy Beat
- Heavy Dub
- Heavy Duty
- Heavywave
- Heavyweight
- Hep Hep
- Hevyaka
- Hi Try
- Hidden Treasures
- High Music
- High Note
- High Power
- High Tension Records
- High Times
- Higher Meditation
- Higher Mountain Records
- Higher Regions
- Hightone
- Hit Run
- Hit Run
- Hit Sound
- Hitbound
- Hitch Hiker
- Hiya Heights Records
- Hiya-Tones Records
- HM Gold
- Homefront Production
- Honest Jon's
- Hornin Sounds
- Horseman
- Horus
- Horus Records
- Hot Milk
- Hot Shot !
- Hot Stuff
- Hours Beat
- House Of Eve
- House of Moses Records
- Huba
- Hulk
- Human Digital
- Human Rights
- Humble Commission
- Humble Sounds
- Hungry Town
- Hurricane
- I Aim I Destiny I Jah
- I Grade
- I Grow
- I Lion Records
- I Negus Records Int
- I Nity
- I Skankers
- I&I Musik
- I&I&I Music
- I-Tal Soup
- Idrins
- Ilus
- Impact!
- Imperial House Music
- Imperial Roots
- Imperial Sound Army
- Inbidimts
- Incredible Music
- Indica Dubs
- Indiginous
- Infinite Density Records
- Inna Nice up Fashion
- Inner Light
- Inner Rose
- Inner Sanctuary
- Inner Standing Sound System
- Inspirational Sound
- Integrity
- Intelitec
- Intense
- Invader
- Iration
- Iration Steppas Sound System
- Ire Hi Fi
- Irie Ites
- Irie Jahzz
- Iroko
- Iron Dubz
- Iron Sound
- Ironside
- Ises International
- Island
- Israel Vibes
- Ital
- Ital Counselor
- Ital International
- Ital Lion
- Ital Sounds
- Ital Stuff
- Ivanhoe the Conqueror
- Ja-Man
- Jackpot
- Jad
- Jah All Mighty
- Jah B
- Jah Element
- Jah Embassy Music
- Jah Fingers
- Jah Free Music
- Jah Guidance
- Jah Life
- Jah Light
- Jah Light
- Jah Lion Sound System
- Jah Marshall
- Jah Militant
- Jah Roots Hi Fi
- Jah Rubaal
- Jah Shaka
- Jah Sunbal
- Jah Tubby's
- Jah Vision
- Jah Wadada
- Jah Waggys
- Jah Warrior
- Jah Works
- Jah Works Promotion
- Jah Youth Sound
- Jahbless
- Jahdynasty
- Jahimsa
- Jahlovemuzik
- JahMan
- Jahman Record Dubplate
- Jahmiga
- Jahmikmuzik
- Jahmusic
- Jahsolidrock
- Jahsouljah
- Jahspora
- Jahtari
- Jahyu
- Jam Can
- Jam Rock
- Jam Tone
- Jama
- Jamaazima
- Jamafra
- Jamaican Art
- Jamaican Recordings
- Jambila
- Jamble Records
- Jammy's
- Jamwax
- Jaywax
- Jedi
- Jehu
- Jeremiah's Special
- Jesuit
- Jet Star
- Jhuggenaut
- Jigsaw
- Jimpy's
- JJ
- Joe Frasier
- Joe Gibbs
- Joewella
- Joint
- Jomor
- Joseph Sound
- JR
- Jumbo
- Jungle Beat
- Junior Millitant
- Junjo & Volcano
- Just-Is
- Justice
- Justice League
- K & K
- Ka Records
- Kaboum Music
- Kamarley
- Kangol
- Karnatone
- Kaya Powa Records
- Kc Soul Proff
- Kennedy International
- Keyman
- KG Imperial
- Khanti Records
- Kibir la Amlak
- Killah Keys Music
- Kim
- King Alpha
- King Culture
- King Earthquake
- King Kush
- King Kustom
- King Operator
- King Shiloh
- King Simeon
- King Sound Music
- King Sounds
- King Town
- Kingdom
- Kings Music
- Kingston Connexion
- Kingston Sounds
- Kinshasa
- Kismet
- Klimt
- Kpcs
- Kulumi
- L acouphene
- L D Gingles
- L&M
- La Panchita Records
- La Tempesta Dub
- Lake Brothers Records
- Lamb
- Lana Sounds
- Landmark
- Lantern
- Lee's
- Left Ear Records
- Legal Shot
- Leggo
- Legsman
- Leo
- Leo
- Lewis Bennett Dub
- LGM International Record Ltd
- Libra
- Life Music
- Light in the Attic
- Likkle Zion
- Link Up Music
- Lion Dubz
- Lion Kingdom
- Lion Roots
- Lion Triumphant
- LionDub
- Lionheart Stepper
- Lions Choice
- Lionz Den
- Liquidator
- Little John Nheng
- Live & Learn
- Live and Love
- Livi
- Livication Corner
- Living Music Inc.
- Living Room
- Livity
- Lms
- Locks
- Log On
- London Jam
- Look to Afrika
- Lost Ark Music
- Love
- Love Linch Music
- Love Love Love
- Lovedub Music
- Ltd
- Lucky Star
- Lumumba
- Lustre Kings
- M & M Records
- Maasai Warrior
- Mad House
- Mad Indian
- Mad Mac
- Maffi
- Mafia
- Mafia & Fluxy
- Magnum Force
- Main Line
- Man Kind
- Mango
- Mania Dub
- Manyatta Records
- Maroc
- Maroon
- Marrow Records
- Marshall
- Marston
- Mash it
- Massadarock
- Massive
- Massive B
- Matumbi Music
- Maximum Sound
- Maytones Music
- Med-Tone Records
- Meditations Music
- Meditative Sounds
- Melak Dimptz
- Mellow Vibes
- Melodic Rockers
- Melody Muzik
- Melting Pot
- Mercury
- Merritone
- Mes Jam
- Meshock I
- Message
- Messengers
- Mg45
- Micron
- Midnight Rock
- Mighty Oak
- Mighty Youth
- Mile Stone
- Miracle Productions
- Mister Screechie
- Mistical Sound
- Mixing Lab
- Moa Anbessa
- Moa Anbessa International
- Mobay Records
- Modernize Music
- Mogho Naba
- Money Disc
- Monk
- Moon Wave Music
- Moonshine
- More Cut
- More Life
- Morwell Esq
- Motion
- Move and Groove
- Movements
- Moving On
- Mr Bongo
- Mr Funny
- Mr King
- Mr Tipsy
- Murder Style Music
- Murdhouse
- Music House
- Music Industry
- Music Lab
- Music Master
- Music Works
- Musical Ambassador
- Must Dance
- Mutual Life
- Muzamba
- Muzik Buisness Inc
- Muzikcity
- Mystic
- Mystical Records
- Mystical Rising
- Nacional
- Name by Nature
- Nansa
- Narrows
- National Bird
- Natural Roots
- Navara
- Necessary Mayhem
- Negus Music
- Negus Roots
- Negusa Nagast
- Neville King
- New Beat Records
- New Exodus
- New Flower
- New Name
- New Sound
- Niagara
- Nice up!
- Night Life Posse
- No Label
- Noble Chanters Productions
- Now
- Nubian
- Nucleus Roots
- Nuff Powa
- Numesa
- Nura
- Nyah Skanky
- Nyahbinghi Dub
- Oak Sound
- OBF Records
- Observer
- Obzaki
- Ohm Records
- Okondo
- Old Capital
- Old Hard Bread
- Old School
- Olive Blossom
- On Top
- One By One Records
- One in the Spirit
- One Love
- One Love Books
- One Love Records
- One Stop Music
- One Ton
- Oneness
- Only Roots
- Onsfoudkilao
- Orbit
- Orcast
- Orchid
- Organic Roots
- Original Dub Sound
- Original Dubzine
- Original Formula
- Ossie
- OTO Records
- Outernational
- Over-Proof Sound System
- Owen Knibbs Music
- Own Mission
- Pablo International
- Palm Disco
- Palz
- Panamah Records
- panda dread
- Pantomine
- Papa D
- Papa Kojak
- Paradise
- Paragon
- Parish
- Park Heights
- Part 2
- Partial Records
- Patate Records
- Peace Foundation
- Peace Foundation Music
- Peckings
- Pengsound
- Penitentiary
- Penthouse
- Pharaoh Meets Alligator
- Phase One
- Philophon
- Phoenix Upliftment
- Photographer
- Pickaskill
- Pickout
- Pioneer
- Pipe Music
- Pisces
- Planets
- PLD Records
- Poor Man's Friend Records
- Poorman's Friend
- Portal
- Positive Sound Massive
- Positive Vibes Records
- Power Dread Music
- Power House
- Preacher Cleavie Jefferey
- Precision
- Premier
- Pressure Beat
- Pressure Sounds
- Prince Buster
- Prince Jazzbo Music
- Prince Philip
- Proceed Records
- Production
- Progressive
- Prophecy Records
- Prophets
- Psalms Music
- Puff Records
- Pure Fire
- Pure Niceness
- Purple Audio
- PurpleFade
- Pyramid
- Pyramid Int'l
- Quality
- Quarter Mile
- Queen Omega Band
- Quelinda
- R.Esistance
- Rad's
- Raggattack
- Railroad
- Rama
- Rambo
- Ramrock
- Randy's
- Ranking Joe
- Ras
- Rasheda Lionness Music
- Rasta Yard
- Rawse
- Razor Sound
- Real Gone Music
- Real Rock
- Reality Shock
- Reality Souljahs
- Reality Sound Station
- Rebelmadiaq
- Rebirth
- Record Smith
- Red Gold & Digital
- Red Hut
- Red Robin
- Redemption Sounds
- Redman
- Reel Heavy Music
- Reflections
- Reggae
- Reggae Collectors
- Reggae Connection
- Reggae on Top
- Reggae Remedy
- Reggae Retro
- Reggae Road
- Reggae Roast
- Reggae Shots
- Reggae Toybox
- Renegade Masters
- Reproduction Outernational
- Reservoir Dub
- Revelation
- Revolutionary Brothers
- Revolutionary Sounds
- Revue
- Rewind Dubs
- RGM Productions
- Rhino
- Rhythm Discs
- Rhythm Ruler
- Rick
- Riddim Chango
- Righteous Works
- Rightrack
- Rincon Roots
- Rita Marley Music
- Rits
- River Bank
- Riz Records
- Rmw
- Rock a Shacka
- Rockers
- Rockers Forever
- Rockers Master
- Rockers Master International
- Rockers Mood
- Rocking Time
- Rocking Time Records
- Roll And Record
- Romantic
- Romax
- Room in the Sky
- Roosevelt
- Rootical Attack
- Rootikal
- Rootikal Dubplate Archive
- Rootikal Temple
- Rootikal Warriah Music
- Roots
- Roots & Fyah
- Roots Atao
- Roots Awakening
- Roots Cooperation
- Roots Discos
- Roots Explosion
- Roots Factory
- Roots Foundation
- Roots Garden
- Roots Hi Tek
- Roots Injection
- Roots International
- Roots Invasion
- Roots Ista Posse
- Roots Man
- Roots Operator
- Roots Pool
- Roots Powa
- Roots Record
- Roots Recycler
- Roots Renegade Records
- Roots Resolute
- Roots Revelation
- Roots Sensation
- Roots Temple
- Roots Traders
- Roots Tradition
- Roots Tribe
- Roots Unity
- Roots Vibes
- Roots Vibration
- Roots Youths
- Rootz Hi-Fi Music
- Rotter Dub
- Rough Signal Records
- Royco Inc
- Rub a Dub
- Ruddy & Redeye
- Rude Bwoy Records
- Ruff Cut
- Ruff Stereo
- Rupa Rupa Records
- Rusty International
- Rythem Track
- S&G Records
- S&S Records
- S.R.R.
- Saint Francis Records
- Salomon Heritage
- Samuel Records
- Sasston
- Scandal
- Scoops
- Scorcher Hi Fi
- Scotch Bonnet
- Scrub a Dub
- Seafront International
- Selah Wadada
- Select Cuts
- Selection Train
- Selectors Choice
- Selectors Edition
- Selekta
- Selena
- Senrab
- Septic
- Serengeti Records
- Seven Beards
- Seven Leaves
- Shaka
- Shamala
- Shanachie
- Shanti
- Shaolin Temple
- She Get up and Scank
- Shebazz
- Shella Records
- Shepherd
- Shere Khan
- Shieldrum Records
- Shiloh Ites
- Shuffler Records
- Shuttle Records
- Sid Buck Records
- Signal1 Records
- Signet
- Silsila Dubs
- Silver Kamel
- Simba
- Sinclair Sound
- Sip a Cup
- Sipho
- Sir Collins
- Sir George
- Sir Logie International
- Sir Running Records
- Skank 'O Clock
- Skank Lab Chronicles
- Skanking Music
- Skengdon
- Sky High
- Sky Tings
- Skynote
- Slate
- Slimmah Sound
- Small Axe
- Snowbird
- Solardub Records
- Solid Rock
- Solid Roots
- Solid State
- Solomonic
- Solway Dub
- Soney Fudgie
- Songhai
- Sonic Sounds
- Sosee
- Soul & Fire
- Soul Beat
- Soul Flower
- Soul Jazz
- Soul of Anbessa
- Soul Proff
- Soul Sounds
- Soul Syndicate
- Sound of Thunder
- Sound Off
- Sound System
- Sound Transmission
- Sounds Around Records
- Sounds By Monk
- Sounds For All Music
- Sounds United
- South East Music
- Spar Music
- Spiderman
- Spring Hill
- St Annes Yard
- Stag
- Stand High Patrol
- Star Trail
- Starapple
- Starlet
- Starlight
- Stars
- Stebass
- Steely & Clevie
- Steppas
- Stepwise
- Stepwizer
- Stereo One
- Stereo Uprising
- Stone Rock
- Stop Point Record
- Storm & Break
- Storming Dub Records
- Strictly Dub Records
- Striker Lee
- Strong Like Sampson
- Struggle
- Studio 16
- Studio 55
- Studio One
- Subvivors
- Success
- Sudden Attack
- Sufferah's Choice
- Sufferers Heights
- Sugar Beat
- Sugar Shack
- Summer Records
- Sunflower
- Sunset
- Sunshine
- Sunshot
- Supatech Records
- Super Power
- Super Tone
- Superfly Studio
- Superior Roots Music
- Supreme
- Sure Shot
- Survival
- Survival Promotion
- Suspect Packages
- Swing A Ling
- Swing Bird
- Syllart
- Ta-Shi
- Tablet
- Tabou1
- Tachyon
- Tafari
- Talent
- Tan Dubz
- Tang Deng Co
- Tanta
- Target
- Tasha
- Taurus
- Taxi
- Tb Productions
- Teams
- Techniques
- Teddy Bear
- Teem
- Tek2 Productions
- Temppeli
- Tennors
- Tenor Saw
- Terminal
- Terrortone Sound System
- Tesfa
- Tetra Ark
- Thc
- The Archer
- The Buke Star
- The Fist of Jah
- The Foundation
- The Full Hundred
- The Good Samaritan
- The Light Of Saba
- The Lion
- The Merchant
- The Thing
- The Uplifter
- Thebes
- Themosthigh
- Things I've Been Through
- Third Generation
- Third World
- Thompson Sound
- Three Kings
- Thrillseekers
- Thunder Heart
- Thunderbolt
- Time 1
- Time Unlimited
- Timeless
- Ting A Ling
- Tipsy Sound
- Tokyo Connexion
- Too Good
- Top a Top
- Top Deck Records
- Top Ranking
- Top Ranking Sound
- Top Shot
- Topline Records
- Tops Records
- Total Sounds
- Track Star
- Tradition Disc
- Traxploitation
- Treasure Isle
- Trenchtown
- Tribe 84
- Tribes
- Tribes Man
- Tribesman
- Trigram
- Trojan
- True Nature
- True Vision
- Truth & Right
- Truth And Vibes
- Truth Town
- Trybute
- Tsoj
- Tsunami Wazahari
- Tube Dub Sound
- Tuff Gong
- Tuff Scout
- Tuff Wash
- Tuffa Dubs
- Tuneico
- Twigze Dee
- Twinkle
- Two Flames
- Two Friends
- Typhoon
- Uhuru
- Ujama
- Ultra
- Ultra Records
- Underground
- Undisputed
- Unemployment Records
- Union
- United Forces of Dub
- Unity
- Universal Melody
- Universal Roots
- Up Tempo
- Upfront
- Upfull Posse
- Uplift
- Uplift !
- Uprising
- Upsetter
- Upsettress
- Urban Sedated
- Vedic Roots
- Vena
- Version
- Vibbesuoh Records
- Vibe Generator
- Vibes
- Vibes Creator
- Vibes Disc
- Vibes Records
- Vibes Sound
- Victorius Steppers
- Victory
- Vineyard
- Vinyl Supply
- VIP International
- Virgin
- Virgo Production
- Virgo Stomach
- Vista Sounds
- Vivian Jackson
- Vogue
- Volcano
- VP
- W.O.W. Music
- Wackie's
- Wadada
- Wadada Outernational
- Wah Wah 45s
- Wail'n'Soul
- Wakeditown Records
- Wall Street
- Wambesi
- Wandem Records
- Wanted 45
- War
- Waricka
- Warrior Dread
- Warrior Salute
- Water Lilly
- Water Mount
- Waterhouse
- Webb
- Weed Beat
- Welders Records
- Well Charge
- Well Sharp
- Welove
- Wheely Wheely
- White Rum Red Stripe
- Whodem Sound
- Wicked Dub Division
- Wild Apache
- Wild Flower
- WildBells
- Wildfire
- Willow Tree
- Wince
- Wincox
- Wind
- Wisdom
- Wise
- Wise & Dubwise
- Witty
- Wolf
- Woodland Records
- Word Sound and Power
- World a Muzik
- World Entreprise
- World Movements
- Writers of Rastafari
- X-Ray
- Xterminator
- Ya Man
- Yah Congo
- Yah Wee Gone
- Yangis
- Yanta
- Year Zero
- Yi Mas Gan Records
- Youth & Truth Music
- Youth in Progress
- Youth Promotion
- Youth Talk
- Yvonne's Special
- Zam Zam
- Zer-I Deres
- Zion Disc
- Zion Gate
- Zion High Productions
- Zion Hill
- Zion I Records
- Zion Yant
- Zulu Vibes
- Suppliers